
Pockets of Information: Community Care in a Speculative New York

Pockets of Information imagines how data could be shared in the aftermath of severe flooding and climate change in New York City. It consists of a series of digital maps that are embodied in textile form on a handmade chore coat. This project was created with Claudia Berger for the Data Through Design 2024 exhibit. 

QUILT: Queer Intimacies Located in Thread

QUILT is a digital humanities mapping project that explores the use of textiles as data visualization. QUILT was awarded the Best Poster prize at Pratt InfoShow 2023 as well as the Western Association of Map Libraries 2023 Scholarship. QUILT was featured on Pratt News:

Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography

I was honored to be invited to speak at the Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography hosted by the David Rumsey Map Center at Stanford University. My talk, titled "Patchwork Stories: Embodied Queer Geographies and Storytelling Through Data Visualization" surveyed recent impactful projects in the area of queer geography and the use of data physicalization, especially quilting, in telling stories. I also featured my project QUILT: Queer Intimacies Located in Thread at the conference.

Historic Hotels of Lakewood

Historic Hotels of Lakewood is a historic mapping project using ArcGIS StoryMaps. I developed a series of maps using archival documents from the Lakewood Historical Museum in New Jersey. 

Libguide zine.pdf

LibGuide for Liberation

This LibGuide in zine form provides resources and information for people interested in prison abolition and actions to take in solidarity with incarcerated people. It includes an introduction to prison abolition, recommended reading lists, and an overview of community spaces and volunteer groups in New York City. Physical copies of the zine are available at the Interference Archive in Brooklyn.